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Sumo Association hypes best looking rikishi at event

Jan. 5th - In a PR move prior to the Hatsu basho, the Sumo Association staged an event in the Daito area of Tokyo with the two best looking Japanese rikishi in the Makuuchi division called  the "Okinoumi and Endoh Talk Battle!" The two rikishi were asked various questions and then engaged in a mild debate with their answers. When asked what kind of women were their types, Okinoumi answered, "I like girls with short hair and  who have a little bit of meat on them. I don't like girls that are too skinny. I prefer women like the mama-san who work at snacks (a type of bar in Japan with a female hostess)." As for Endoh, he simply replied, "I like girls who I like."

In order to create the perfect photo opportunity, the two rikishi held the Kamoshita twins in what's called the "o-hime-sama-dakko" pose. Okinoumi held the older sister, Asuka, while Endoh held the younger sister, Madoka. After the photo opp, reporters caught up with the two 28 year-olds where Asuka commented, "It was so attractive to see Endoh throw Kyokutenho at the last basho." As for Madoka, she added through tears of joy, "I've been rooting for Endoh since his college days. I want him to become a Yokozuna." When asked who were the best looking guys in sumo, both sisters replied, "There's no doubt it's Kane Roberts and Clancy Kelly."





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