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Harumafuji likely to withdraw from Hatsu

Jan. 9th - Reports have surfaced that Yokozuna Harumafuji will announced his withdrawal from the Hatsu basho citing a sprain to his left ankle. With Associations gathering on Friday to schedule the first two days' worth of Makuuchi bouts, a decision is expected by early Friday. When asked for comment, Harumafuji's stable master, Isegahama-oyakata, stated, "His condition is not nagging; his condition is serious, and I have no intentions of making him go beyond his limits." A Yokozuna hasn't withdrawn prior to a hon-basho since Asashoryu did it prior to the 2008 Kyushu basho. This would also be Harumafuji's first withdrawal since his promotion to the Yokozuna rank a little over a year ago.

Fresh off of his yusho at the 2013 Kyushu basho, Harumafuji is listed as the East Yokozuna, but his withdrawal would put an interesting spin on the tournament in light of Kisenosato's own quest for the rank and the eight year drought of a Japanese rikishi winning the yusho. It is being reported that Harumafuji injured the ankle late in December while training and that when he resumed keiko on the 5th of this month, he wasn't able to function properly using his left leg.





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