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Kisenosato holds banzuke press conference

Dec. 25th - Ozeki Kisenosato held a press conference upon the release of the banzuke to discuss his prospects for the year 2014, especially his quest for the Yokozuna rank. "In order to make 2014 a good year, my start to the year is vital. I've continued to betray the expectations placed upon me, so this time I'm going to do my best to overcome that." When asked about his 2013, the Ozeki replied, "I don't think 2013 was a wasted year for me, but I have to build upon the experiences gained the past year moving forward." Kisenosato was up for Yokozuna promotion at the 2013 Nagoya basho but lost three bouts in the first week. When asked how he'll approach Yokozuna promotion this basho he said, "It's not enough just to want it. If everything doesn't come together for me I won't be able to yusho. I just hope to do everything possible within my power." The Yokozuna Deliberation Council has stipulated that Kisenosato needs 13 or more wins plus the yusho.





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