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Hakuho holds banzuke press conference

Oct 28 - Yokozuna Hakuho held a press conference this morning upon the release of the Kyushu basho banzuke at the Miyagino-beya practice facilities in Sasaguri, a small town on the outskirts of Fukuoka. With his left eye completely healed and dressed in a festive light blue kimono, the Yokozuna began, "This basho closes out the year, so I hope to be in top shape all the way through senshuraku." When asked about his feelings towards the Kyushu basho, a tournament he has won six times in a row, the Yokozuna replied, "There a few records up for grabs here, so I'm really excited to compete." Hakuho can become just the second rikishi in history to win five consecutive basho for the second time in his career with a championship in Fukuoka. When asked about Goeido, who some are touting as the next Ozeki candidate, Hakuho responded along party lines saying, "He's the closest guy right now to Ozeki." When asked about his overall condition heading into the basho, he didn't hold back saying, "I had a great exhibition season, so I'm ready tomorrow to start moshi-ai-geiko. A lot of the other rikishi are working hard, but really I'm the only one who can easily say 'I want to win this one.'"




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