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Harumafuji yusho press conference

Nov. 24th - Yokozuna Harumafuji held the usual morning after press conference for the yusho rikishi today at the famed Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine in south Fukuoka that houses the Isegahama-beya. With his stable master still in the hospital recovering from visceral disease, Harumafuji went solo with reporters beginning, "It's been awhile since I've won, so it's a relief to me. My goal next year is to pick up my 10th career yusho, and I don't think that's just a dream." Harumafuji, who currently stands at six career yusho, also indicated that his chronic ankle pain didn't hamper this basho to the extent that it had earlier in the year. When asked he how he celebrated his victory, he laughed, "I drank some delicious sake." The Yokozuna also indicated that after the yusho parade he promptly went to the hospital to visit his stable master and give him a hug. When asked for his opinion on Ozeki Kisenosato and his quest for the Yokozuna rank at next year's Hatsu basho, he candidly replied, "You get to Ozeki through hard work. As for the Yokozuna rank, it's up to fate, so I can't really give him any advice." When asked about the Yokozuna's turning 30 years old next April, he commented, "You become a man at age 30." After the press conference, Harumafuji set out to visit a local yochien, or pre-school, that supported him throughout the tournament.





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